Program 659: Globalization

KALW Broadcast Date: July 9, 2021 | Host: Mark Abramson

On this edition of Music from Other Minds, we explore how the internet has changed new music being made around the world. Here in the Bay Area, you can open up Spotify, Bandcamp, or whatever other platform on the Internet, and sample music made by people in Iceland, Cairo, Tokyo or Mumbai. The global accessibility of music also works in the other direction. People in other parts of the world with access to the internet can be influenced by the work of western artists. All these factors will be on display tonight, as we sample a selection of new music by currently active experimental musicians from around the world. Our subject is music globalization. I’m not making any judgements about whether this is good or bad, just testing whether it’s possible to hear how musical forms from one place have influenced the music made in other places, and what musicians have kept from their own cultures and what non-native musical material they’ve used to create new work. We’ll hear an Indonesian improv duo, Tarawangsawelas, that use modern audio effects. We’ll hear an Italian sound artist, Giovanni Lami, who uses field recordings from a south Asian metropolis to give his sound collage a different flavor. We’ll hear a group of mostly Arabic musicians, called Karkhana, who combine traditional instruments with western ones to create a long and aggressive improvised recording that morphs from Zappa to Braxton to electronica to funk. And we’ll hear a group from rural Argentina, Los Siquicos Litoraleños, whose music is an unlikely combination of Latin American folk music with elements from the Residents, Captain Beefheart and Tom Ze. Other artists we’ll hear tonight are Italian sound art ensemble Deva Ovel, Egyptian singer/composer Nadah el Shazly, Italian-born UK-based percussionist Valentina Magaletti, electronics and tape artist Jamblu from New Delhi, and from China, another electronic artist named Lin Giang.

Program Audio

30-Second Spot

Track Info & Links

Title: A Perspective With No End
Composers: Valentina Magaletti, Tom Relleen
Performers: Tomaga – Valentina Magaletti, percussion; Tom Relleen, bass, effects
Recording Title: The Shape of the Dance (2016)
Record Label: Hands in the Dark
Catalog Number: HITD030

17 SST Arabic

Title: Ana ‘Ishiqt
Composer: Nadah el Shazly
Performers: Nadah El Shazly – vocals, keys, kalimba, electronics, programming; Maurice Louca; Osama Shalabi; Alexandre St-Onge; Dave Gossage; Philippe Lauzier; Simon Millerd; Yves Charuest; Devin Waldman; Jason Sharp; Sarah Pagé; Josh Zubot; Gen Heistek; Kareem Taylor
Recording Title: Ahwar (2017)
Record Label: Nawa Recordings
Catalog Number: NAWA 007LP


Titles: Sekalipun
Composers: Tarawangsawelas
Performers: Tarawangsawelas
Recording Title: Wanci (2016)
Record Label: Morphine Records
Catalog Number: Doser032


Title: Ippocrate, metodica
Composers: Deva Ovel
Performers: Deva Ovel
Recording Title: Deva Ovel (2021)
Record Label: Kohlhaas Records
Catalog Number: KHS 019


Title: First Floor
Composers: Karkhana
Performers: Umut Çağlar – Reeds, Flute, Percussion; Tony Elieh – Electric Bass; Maurice Louca – Organ, Synth; Mazen Kerbaj – Trumpet, Percussion, Reeds; Sharif Sehnaoui – Electric Guitar; Sam Shalabi – Electric Guitar, Oud; Michael Zerang – Drums, Percussion, Cymbal
Recording Title: Al Dar Al Hamra (2017)
Record Label: Unrock
Catalog Number: UnrockLP009


Title: El Rey Apatico, La Danza Del Brontosaurio, Chamamacolico, Dostoyevski En El Minimercado, La Vida Misma
Composers: Los Siquicos Litoraleños
Performers: Los Siquicos Litoraleños
Recording Title: Medianos Éxitos Subtropicales Vol. 2: El Relincho Del Tiempo (2019)
Record Label: Hive Mind Records
Catalog Number: HMRLP008


Title: Soap Wolf, part 1
Composer: Giovanni Lami
Performer: Giovanni Lami
Recording Title: Stories of the Dotted Indian Whale (2021)
Record Label: Sucata Tapes
Catalog Number: SUC39


Title: Intro, Apples From Peru, Icky Dream
Composers: Valentina Magaletti, Marlene Ribeiro
Performers: Valentina Magaletti, Marlene Ribeiro
Recording Title: Due Matte (2020)
Record Label: Horn of Plenty
Catalog Number: hop4


Title: Music To Be Nothing For
Composer: Kartik Pillai
Performer: Jamblu
Recording Title: Music To Be Nothing To (2020)
Record Label:
Catalog Number:


Title: 林志峰
Composer: Lim Giang
Performer: Lim Giang
Recording Title: An Anthology of Chinese Experimental Music 1992-2008 (2017)
Record Label: Sub Rosa
Catalog Number: SR265

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